Collagen & Eczema

Atopic dermatitis, also known as atopic eczema, is a long-term type of inflammation of the skin It results in itchy, red, swollen, and cracked skin. Collagen works in a few different ways to help with eczema:

  • has preventative qualities and it plays a significant role in strengthening and hydrating the skin
  • glycine, one of the amino acids in collagen, is an anti ‑ inflammatory support
  • has strong antibacterial properties so can fights among others the staphylococcal that live on the skin and have been known to cause eczema
  • being a major component of the skin plays a crucial role in the healing process, it helps with the creation of new skin and enables skin to heal more rapidly, repairing the dermal collagen network
  • enhances skin moisture and elasticity, thus decreasing the signs of roughness and dryness, which are a couple of the most noticeable eczema’s symptoms 

This makes collagen an exciting support to explore when looking for relief from eczema condition.


Eczema is, unfortunately, a common skin problem that can be painful. It is characterized by inflammation, redness and itchiness.


Preventative Qualities

Collagen has preventative qualities: it plays a role in strengthening and hydrating the skin and, one of the amino acids in collagen, glycine, is an anti-inflammatory.

 Antibacterial Effect

Collagen may have an antibacterial effect that fights against bacteria that live on the skin (such as staphylococcal), which have been known to cause eczema.

Healing Process

Because collagen is a major component of our skin, it is crucial to the healing process. It helps with the creation of new skin and enables skin to heal more rapidly. Collagen can decrease the signs of roughness and dryness in the skin, which are a couple of the most noticeable symptoms of eczema.


If you have to deal with eczema, try using our high quality collagen products to help with skin health and healing in the face and in the body.


Results after applying our face eczema bundle for 3 weeks