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Achieve Healthy Skin at Any Age

12 Sep 2022 0 comments
Achieve Healthy Skin at Any Age
Collagen and skin care

Skin care is at the forefront of the beauty industry as we learn more and more about how to properly care for our skin. Everybody wants that soft, glowing, firm skin that looks youthful in any light. Luckily, achieving healthy, youthful skin is something that anybody can do with the right products, methods, and diet, but how?

You’ll have to know a little bit about your skin type and skin care goals in order to fine tune your routine. However, the key to achieving healthy skin at any age is actually collagen!

How can collagen fix my problematic skin?

Pending your age and skin type, you may be experiencing any combination of the following common skin concerns:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Dull and uneven skin tone
  • Enlarged pores
  • Redness
  • Acne
  • Oily skin
  • Dry skin
  • Loose skin

You’ve probably heard of a thousand remedies for fixing or changing your skin pending the problem at hand. Acne prone? Use a drying serum. Redness? Try a toner. Enlarged pores? You need a skin tightening serum. However, what so many people overlook is collagen.

Collagen is the most plentiful protein in our body’s cells. It is the key to achieving healthy skin at any age. Collagen promotes youthful looking skin by keeping your skin’s natural bounce, plumpness, and texture intact as you age. If your body is low on collagen (which can happen as we age), adding collagen-boosting products to your daily skin care routine is vital!

Collagen can help every single one of the above common skin conditions and it can be added to your skin care routine with ease. Products such as the Collagen Instant Face Lift Serum, the Vege Collagen Serum (plant-based), and the Platinum and Silver serums, make excellent additions to your daily skin care routine to achieve healthy skin at any age.

Why you need a collagen-based daily skin care routine

First of all, let’s clarify this. You need a daily and nightly collagen-based skin care routine. These two routines may be similar, but they are often not identical. Reason being you’re more active during the day and often want added protection for your skin. Compared to at night, where you are asleep, and your skin is rebalancing and rejuvenating itself while you rest!

A daily skin care routine provides consistency for your skin. Consistency is essential in achieving healthy, radiant, blemish free skin that you feel your most confident in. Your skin deserves to be nurtured and cared for just as you do the rest of your body and a daily skin care routine with collagen-based products will do just that.

There are times where you will need to adjust your routine as your skin changes and become used to the products you are using. However, you can start with a basic skin care routine.

What collagen-based products should be in your skin care routine?

In order to achieve healthy skin at any age, you need a collagen-based routine that is designed for your specific skin type and lifestyle. For example, a 16-year-old living in a big city is going to have a different routine than someone in their 50’s living in a small town, and vice versa. You also need to factor in skin type – oily, dry, combination, and gender as all of these factors play a role in your skin’s health.

However, your skin care routine should have the following steps involved to start and then you can customize it!

  • A daily cleanser that contains collagen for its skin-tightening and pore reducing properties, such as the Collagen Wash Gel
  • A facial scrub to be used 2-3 times per week to clean out the pores and remove dead skin cells
  • A collagen-based daily and a nightly moisturizer for softening the skin such as our Blue Diamond moisturizer.

It is also recommended to have a serum that you apply 1-2x per day, but the serum is based upon your skin care goals. Take a look at our Vege plant-based Serum, our Collagen Boosting Platinum Serum and our Essential Collagen Silver Serum for the Body and see which one best suits you.

Taking care of the two most common skin care concerns:

Taking care of acne-prone skin

Acne prone skin is often the result of combination or oily skin that is not being properly cared for. Genetics and hormones may also play a role pending your age. When caring for acne prone skin, you should use a skin care routine rich in collagen and follow this method:

  • Wash your face twice per day with a cleanser that has an acne-fighting and acne-reducing formula such as the Collagen Deep Cleansing Wash
  • Use an acne-fighting scrub 2 times per week
  • Apply the Vege Collagen Serum which is designed to fight current breakouts and help prevent new breakouts
  • Gently apply a lightweight, oil-free moisturizer designed to balance the skin as well as a lightweight sunscreen (yes, even if it’s not very sunny) during the daytime

Acne prone skin can be the result of many factors, so it may be beneficial to speak with a dermatologist. However, starting with a high-quality skin care routine that is designed to fight breakouts is the best place to start.

Taking care of aging skin

Wrinkles, dryness, loss of elasticity, are all signs of aging skin.These traits are not negative, they just mean you’re getting older, wiser and are more and more comfortable in who you are! Isn’t that fabulous? But you can still achieve healthy skin that looks and feels youthful with the help of collagen boosting products!

You’ll want to use a skin cleanser rich in anti-aging properties, like our Deep Cleansing Wash, (it is a multi-tasking wash gel that is perfect for all skin types). Follow that up with a rich moisturizer like the Advanced Clinical Collagen Moisturizing Cream which will help strengthen and plump your skin. Much of the time, fine lines, wrinkles, and uneven skin tone are actually the result of sun exposure (at least partially). It’s important to apply a sunscreen to protect your skin from further damage while you work on reversing the effects of aging.

Once per day, apply any one of our anti-aging serum as well. These steps will help achieve healthy skin at any age!

Final Thoughts:

Collagen is key in fighting numerous skin problems including signs of aging, acne, uneven skin tone, and even uneven skin texture. Creating a routine rich in collagen can help reduce these problems and leave you with beautiful, youthful skin no matter your age! Remember to create a high quality, consistent skin care routine using collagen-based products and you’re guaranteed to see results!

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